Breakfast is in the hotel.
City tour along Bukhara (walking tour along the old town):
Complex “Poi Kalon” (“Beneath the Great”): “Kalyan Minaret” – the main symbol of sacred Bukhara that symbolized authority and power of spiritual governors. (12th c.), “Kalyan Mosque“- its area of 130×80 m surpasses Bibi-Khanym mosque in Samarkand, “Miri Arab Madrassah” – active madrassah is one of the most esteemed spiritual Islamic universities (16th c.), “Taki Zargaron” – the dome of jewelers (15-16th cc.), “Ulugbeg Madrassah” – one of the 3 madrassahs constructed by grandson of Tamerlan – Ulugbeg (15th c.), “Abdulaziz–khan Madrassah” – a traditional madrassah with 2 floors of hudjras and a mosque on the central axis ( mid. of 17th c.), “Tim of Abdullah-Khan madrassah” (1588-1590 yy.), atlas shops, “Magoki-Attari Mosque” – the most ancient mosque in Bukhara (12th c.) is considered a masterpiece of Bukhara architecture, “Khanaka and madrassah of Nadir Divan-Beghi” – a massive rectangular structure that was a place for the refuge and meditation of Sufis (17th c.), “Kukeldash Madrassah” (16th c.) – one of the biggest Bukhara madrassah, “Lyabi-Hauz” ensemble – the largest artificial reservoir of medieval Bukhara – is very popular among tourists (14-17th cc.),“Mausoleum of the Samanids” – the most ancient brick building in Central Asia, a masterpiece of world architecture (9-10th c.). The mausoleum of Chashma Ayub that belongs to esteemed “places of trace” left by saints (14th c.). – the legend says that once the bible prophet Job (Ayub) visited this place. Museum of Imam Al Bukhari. “Bolo-Houz Mosque” – the only monument of medieval Bukhara (beg. of 20th c.), “Ark fortress” is the center of Bukhara statehood (4th c. BC), silk carpet shops and visit of Jewish quarter.
16:00 – Departure to Samarkand by vehicle(280 км).
21:00 – Arrival in Samarkand and check-in a hotel.
Overnight is in Samarkand.