In years of independence by initiative of President Islam Karimov large scale operations by revival, keeping and progressing of national culture, art, traditions, values and its popularization among people, especially youth are put into a practice. Scientific conferences, creative competitions and festivals play important role in teaching young people in spirit of allegiance to ideas of independence, respect to national values, and love for motherland. Social projects, festivals, conferences, holding by «Forum of culture and art of Uzbekistan» fund, let introduce fellow countryman and guests from foreign countries with our rich history, high standards of national culture and art.
Traditional festival of culture «Asrlar sadosi» is one of them. Main idea of holding this event of art are keeping folklore heritage, popularization of folk arts, support and encouragement of artistic folk collectives and craftsman, presentation of unique Uzbek culture to world society. Mighty project of Fund Forum – Festival of traditional culture «Asrlar sadosi» presents all variety of national traditions and customs, applied arts and national cuisine, unique folk-lore and immaterial heritage. The festival is held annually in format of public be-in in different regions of Uzbekistan, in historical and cultural centers, which have unique cultural wealth, ancient traditions, carefully imparting across the generations.