Fergana city is the youngest city of Uzbekistan, which is located in the southern part of Fergana valley on territory 95.6 km square. In 1876 several km from Margilan it’s founded the city under the name New Margilan and subsequently became the province center.
The main construction of the new city, which occupying the large territory, was military fortress, along which were passed streets. It was opened parking area in the centre. In 1907 year the city was named Skobelev, but later 17 years, it was renamed to Fergana.
But significant city growth began only in 20 century, mainly, after becoming independent of Uzbekistan. Nowadays Fergana is industrial center of republic. During the independence years, it was opened high hotels, sporting complexes, indoor market and stadium.
Among the first construction during independence years, includes city gate as well, which are named “Independence Gates”.
Despite of there is not ancient historical monuments in Fergana, there is thing with of which city can proud of. Inimitable guise of city is created by such centurial tress as the plane trees, oaks, poplars, thank to which Fergana is called by people as “city garden”.