Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal was born in 1287 in the village of Sukhor near Bukhara (now Kagan district of Bukhara region). He was engaged in pottery, and he was considered a patron of all potters in Central Asia.
Kulal (“potter”) is one of the spiritual authorities and the sheikh of the Sufi school Hadzhagana. Sheikh Sayyid Amir Kulal in accordance with the tradition of Hadzhagana had 4 deputies and 114 followers.
In his youth, Amir Kulal was fond of wrestling and spent time in competitions. At that time,the famous Sheikh Muhammad BabaiSammasi noticed him. Amir Kulal became his murid, and later he became the fourth deputy. ShaykhBabaySammashi entrusted to Amir Kulalthe upbringing of his “spiritual son” BahaaddinNaqshband.
Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal introduced Bahaaddin to the rules and concepts of the mystical path of Hadzhagana, the ways of pronouncing dhikr and the traditions of spiritual continuity.
According to various sources, Sheikh Sayyid Amir Kulal was the first pir of the great ruler Amir Temur.
Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal was the spiritual instructor of such famous sheikhs as MavlanArifDiggirany, Hajj BahaaddinNashshband, Hajj Jamol De-hai, Sheikh ShamsuddinKulal, Haj Darzuniy, MavlonoZhamoliddinKeshiy.
Sheikh Amir Kulal had four sons (Sayyid Amir Burkhan, Sayyid Amir Hamza, Sayyid Amir Sho, Sayyid Amir Umar), who also were famous Sufis and followers of the tradition of the Tariqa Hadzhagana.
Having a large number of followers, the sheikh often spent time on conversations and instructions. According to the legend, Haji Sayyid Amir Kulal paid special attention to the prevention of petty offenses, quoting the words of the Prophet Muhammad that even small sins daily committed by people can turn into big sins and then lead to hell.
Shaykh Amir Kulal died in 1372. His grave is located in the current Yangi Hayat farm in the Kagan district of the Bukhara region. At present, it is a complex, which consist of a mausoleum, a Friday mosque, a minaret and a large garden.
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